Oil and Gas Industry
Oil and gas: a modern industry with its many regions and forming links simply would not have had any sense, if not for these two types of primary products, positioning themselves as well as a valuable power fuel. Indeed, the complex of energy materials simply determines the level of economic development of a particular state, the position of this country in the world. Therefore, in industries related to oil and gas production and processing, always draws a lot of attention from all the dominant countries in the world, providing global influence and contributing to the further development of the strategic plans of the state in general. In recent years, due to higher rates of hydrocarbon production in the Russian Federation, a serious task of finding new deposits have been set, as every year the demand in this regard is increasing.
Most businesses in oil and gas industry in their structure are vertically integrated companies that implement the complete process chain: "exploration and production of minerals - processing of the extracted hydrocarbons - sale of recycled products ", and are built on the principle of holding. Parent company holding, as a rule, is not engaged in any productive activity, and administers the Company's subsidiaries. The "depth" of management may vary from the overall coordination and financial control over activities of its subsidiaries prior to the current-day management of financial and economic activities of subsidiaries. In turn, the subsidiaries of holding have their own internal structure that corresponds to the profile of their production activity.
Therefore, a complex manufacturing and organizational structure is one of the hallmarks of oil and gas companies. In turn, the complex structure of the oil and gas companies generates a variety of internal vertical and horizontal linkages, respective commodity and financial flows between the company, its subsidiaries and divisions. And such a complex financial and economic mechanism needs an effective integrated management and a qualified legal support.