Electric power industry
During the time of its existence, the Company has been actively engaged in issues of energy enterprises. During this period, employees of the Company has accumulated vast experience in this field. The Company participated in the reform of the electricity company (the complex is provided by the activities of "Third Generation Company" (JSC "OGK-3"). Our staff analyzed the legal status of the six power plants participating in wholesale market for electricity and power.
Here is just a small part of our knowledge and experience in the electricity sector:
- thorough knowledge of principles and features of the regulatory power (both the current stage and the pre-reform period);
- knowledge of the functioning of the electricity market and power (Federal National Wholesale Electric Power Market);
- a clear understanding of the relationships of all participants in the scheme of "generation - transportation - consumption" of electricity;
- investigated the subtleties of the process in the electricity tariff;
- employees take part in professional discussions and protect the interests of clients in solving problems "last mile", "tariff imbalance," "regulatory accounting losses" and other specialized issues.
In addition, our employees have the opportunity to support the customer at all stages of tariff regulation:
- in preparation of documentation for the protection of a tariff level (the amount of documentation, the terms of its preparation, application process, etc.);
- at the stage of application of the relevant act of the state body that sets rates (analysis for compliance with the legislation, if necessary - the appeal of illegal acts);
- at the stage of conclusion and execution of the contract, which shall be subject to tariff regulation.
A separate company's specialization is the disputes in the field of tariff regulation and the subsequent consequences of bad-quality interference in industrial enterprises by the state. Under our lawyers' belt are a number of solved in the pretrial order unique tariff conflicts in Tver power grid, disputes of the tariff won at court, the price of which amounted to 360 and 414 million rubles, respectively.