Participation in projects:
– Maintenance of civil disputes and protection of clients' interests in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction of the chemical and light industry (JSC «Caustic» OJSC «Plastcard», LLC «European Chemical Company», JSC «Chimprom», JSC «Krasnodonskoe», etc.) electric power industry entities (JSC «Volgogradenergo», JSC «Astrakhanenergo», JSC «Rostovenergo», JSC «Kubanenergo», JSC «Volgogradenergosbyt», etc.) insurance companies (OJSC «SOGAZ», etc. .) construction companies (JSC «Volgograd factory of concrete products № 1», LLC «Promstroy») and other large enterprises of the South Federal District.
– Participation and leadership projects in the field of contract, business, land law (including a dispute with the Administration of Volgograd region of the contestation of the cadastral value of land, recovery of damages from the state authorities and municipal government agencies).
– Legal support of major projects in the electricity sector (disputes arising from the agreement «last mile» access to the wholesale electricity market, legal support of the consumer, conducting the production of electric energy and capacity for generating an object belonging to him, etc.).
– Protection of intellectual property (trademark, service mark, patented industrial design, copyright protection).
– Representing clients in violation of the antimonopoly legislation, under consideration by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia.
– Legal support of energy-supplying organizations in the region.
– Analysis and optimization of claims and contract of the client - a large industrial enterprise and etc.